Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Remember the poor in their distress"

Children having supper at Savior's Home
"For i was hungry and you gave me something to eat to eat" .........Then the righteous will answer Him,LORD when did we see you hungry and feed you?
"We thank you LORD for this food"
"Rose enjoys what you supported"

Your prayers and financial support helps for the welfare of these Children.It is a responsibility of each one of you to care for these Children.This is the task the LORD left for us.Remember the great commission.Mat.28:20.

"Take this child and nurse for me"

 Jeremiah 22:16 "He defended the cause of the poor and needy,and so all went well with him.Is that not what it means to know me?"declares the LORD.
Viewers you are so needed to be part of this work as we help these vulnerable Children.They need food,Education,beds and medicine.When you support this work you store your treasures in heaven where robbers and moths can not reach.
God bless you as you think about it and start your support.
For contact.Email Timothy Batalaze Director Savior's Home.
Some of the Children of Savior's home pose just outside the Church compound after prayers.They are ready to walk back to Savior's Home.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

He Chose us to work with Him

Babra a widow with her sons at their house where savior's home found them.Kids enrolled at savior's home to have a hope.

The Lord by His grace chose us to live like Him and work with Him.Walking in the light and do what is right.When you stand with Savior's Home,you can save lives of the orphans and vulnerable Children creating hope of Christ in their lives

You can help through prayer,financial contribution,volunteering hence making a clear future for these Children who are suffering.Your help will feed Children,educate them,spiritual growth and good shelter and good health.