Mr.Elisha with his wife struggling with life,not what to eat or to wear but where to sleep.He has six kids,3boys and 3girls and a relative kid in blue.During the time I(Batalaze Timothy) took the pictures the 3kids were not around.And indeed that house right now accommodates 8 a times 9people imagine.This is what God has called me for these End- times to strength the feeble hands Isaiah 35:04 .Mr Elisha lives about 2km from Savior's home but He lives on my heart every night.Friends,brothers and Sister in the name of Jesus Christ we can make a difference in these people's lives.You can email me. or call +256772955676 for your support.
In his strength Mr.Elisha has managed to build what you see to save the life of these Children.Both the Mother and the father work so hard to get a shelter for the family but two hands are better than one,you can have compassion for people indeed and we roof that house.Even the Father in heaven smile at you in the name of Jesus.This world is not our parmnent home, Have mercy just as your father in heaven is merciful.
The task we do in this ministry is extend Jesus Christ in all ways.