Saturday, February 27, 2010

children from school

Every day children have to go to school as a must, they do not have a problem with that. they wake up at 6 am and prepares them selves to school. the only problem they have is that they do not have school uniforms but the director is planning to do that before the end of this term. all those from primary and secondary children have not yet got uniforms since they started in new schools. down the photos shows all of them when they are from school.

jackson from school Robinah and Maria from school.

Activities done by there care taker.

As usual the activities which are done by the home mother or care taker includes cooking, and she makes sure that every day children take morning and evening tea or porridge and also prepares lunch supper in time.

Down the photo shows aunt Kitonde when preparing posho for the children so that they come back from school when the meal is ready!!

executive meeting

The executive meeting sat at saviors home and certain things were discussed about like making a strategic work plan, how children will continue with there Education, the resigning of the secretary and posting of the new secretary, the schools were the children were taken this year. Even the members discussed about what took place in the training which the coordinator attended.We usually have our meets every friday and we sit outside the children's house because we luck office room!

the above photos are showing Deborah(new secretary in the middle), Florence (the coordinator)
and the director in the meeting.

Posted by Tim bata

Monday, February 1, 2010

continuation of the activities don by children

on the cont, the kraal was finished as you see in the picture, the director with the builders monitoring it.

Director in a blue T.shirt

Children did some activities when they were still in their holiday. the activities done help them to develop their talents as shown below.

some kids are active in capentry like Maria, Ritah, Daphine.

Eva also did her craft which is made of banana fibres she also made a mat out of palm leaves.
the children not only participate in crafts but also do some digging\ agriculture

continuation of the activities don by children

Children did some activities when they were still in their holiday for instance, Daphine,Jane,eva,Maria participating in making chairs as part of art and craft.

maria with her chair

eva with her chair

Daphine with her chair

jane with her chair

ritah with her craft made of banana fibres.

here eva is making a mat out of palm leaves.

Jane d Maria digging anin the compound(down)

Sheillah and Eva are weeding the yams(up)

jackson and kaweesa watering sugar cane plantation at saviors home

children during their free time just seated on there chairs